Sobre mí

Periodista e investigador de la Guerra Civil Española. Graduado en Periodismo y doctor en Historia con premio extraordinario por la Universidad CEU San Pablo (Madrid). Profesor de Periodismo en el CESAGUniversidad Pontificia Comillas. Acreditado por la ANECA. Autor de El oro de Mussolini. Cómo la República planeó vender parte de España al fascismo (Arzalia, 2022) (audiolibro), publicado en Italia como Un’occasione d’oro per Mussolini (Logisma, 2023). También es autor de Un periodista en el desembarco de Bayo. Gafim y la guerra civil en Mallorca (Lleonard Muntaner, 2017) y Compañeros y camaradas. Las luchas entre antifascistas en la Guerra Civil Española (Actas Historia, 2012). Codirector del proyecto de investigación Espais de la Batalla de Mallorca 2017-2022. Artículos en Academia. Vicepresidente de la Asociación de Periodistas de las Islas Baleares (APIB). Columnista en el diario Ultima Hora (Mallorca). Biografía en Wikipedia.


Journalist and Spanish Civil War researcher. Graduate in Journalism and PhD in History with distinction at University CEU San Pablo (Madrid). Professor of Journalism at CESAGComillas Pontifical University. Author of El oro de Mussolini. Cómo la República planeó vender parte de España al fascismo (Mussolini’s gold. How the Republic planned to sell part of Spain to fascism) (Arzalia, 2022), Un periodista en el desembarco de Bayo. Gafim y la guerra civil en Mallorca (A journalist at Bayo landing. Gafim and civil war in Majorca) (Lleonard Muntaner, 2017) and Compañeros y camaradas. Las luchas entre antifascistas en la Guerra Civil Española (Colleagues and comrades. Struggles between antifascists during Spanish Civil War) (Actas Historia, 2012). Co-director of research project Spaces of the Battle of Majorca 2017-2022. Articles at Researchgate. Vice-president of the Association of Balearic Islands Journalists (APIB). Columnist for the newspaper Ultima Hora (Mallorca). Biography on Wikipedia.


Manuel Aguilera Povedano, foto de Tolo Balaguer-4 rebajada

6 respuestas a Sobre mí

  1. Pingback: La Guerra Civil en Mallorca: Un viaje por la historia con Google Earth -

  2. Jim Monaghan dijo:

    Maybe of interest «In The Spanish Civil War in Euzkadi and Catalonia, Miguel Romero questions conventional history and tries to look at it from the point of view of the defeated and oppressed. This starting point makes it possible for him to show that the defeat of the revolutionaries in the republican camp (particularly in Catalonia in spring 1937) paved the way for Franco’s victory. The originality of his study is the way in which it integrates the national question into its analysis of the civil war. In the Basque country and in Catalonia, defence of the republic, working-class mobilization and the anti-fascist struggle took place in different and specific national contexts. Romero develops a comparative analysis of the civil war in the two countries. He notes that the shared tragic conclusion to the conflicts should not hide the very different dynamic of the social and political forces in the two situations.
    Miguel Romero was born in 1945 in Melilla, Spanish Morocco, and began his political activity during the Franco dictatorship between 1966 and 1971 as a member of the Popular Liberation Front. He was later editor of the radical fortnightly Combate. He is now member of Izquierda Anticapitalista.
    You can download this Notebook for free!»

  3. Jim Monaghan dijo:

    And The Spanish Civil War and the possibility of an uprising in the Rif: A first hand testimony on the negotiations between the Moroccan nationalist movement and the Spanish authorities
    All the versions of this article: [English] [français]
    1939, by ROUSSET David

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